

For Mirza, the philosophical gears behind her business are clear: her trademark selling point is the sustainable and compliant tag of her family business under companies such as Echotex, Incredible Fashions, Shomahar sweaters, and she expects no less from her US clients too.

Social responsibility has been the main focus of my business model and in our factory’s mission statement from day one. It is extremely important that the employees are healthy, safe and happy when they come to work each day, and that they are given the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally…

Even while working at Morgan Stanley, Shabnam Mirza kept returning to one dream: starting her own business that would bring the best of Bangladesh to the United States. In 2019, she’s breaking new ground in socially responsible manufacturing... Read on to see what inspires Shabnam to continue advocating for ethical business practices, and how PureCloth Solutions has become a leader in that advocacy.